planting design - what it is?

planting design garden design

At Hastate Design we are focusing on creating planting designs for our clients’ gardens.

Planting design is an art form, which focuses on combining plants to achieve the best visual and atmospheric effect for a garden.

It is the process that requires both artistic flair and plant knowledge to choose the right plants. It involves a lot of investigation and research to make sure the plants selected will thrive in combination and in the specific conditions of the garden, where they will reside.

Working with the right plants

During the process of designing a garden it is important to spend time on selecting right plants for the project. I believe that plants are the substance of a garden, therefore selecting suitable plants is very important.

When selecting plants for a garden planting design it is crucial to consider not only if the plant will respond well to the climate of the garden, but also how it will change over time.

Plants are not static, they are dynamic beings, they fluctuate and change. Plants undergo a variety of visual transitions across the year. Perennials are a great example of plants that reflect the seasonality and change well. Their visual impact changes as they emerge, grow, flower, produce fruits, mature and then die.  

To create a good garden planting design, it is important to understand the seasonality of each plant, but also how the selected plants will look in a couple of years. It is also important to know how the plants will interact with each other and how they will evolve and compete for resources with other plants.

A good planting design is a well-researched scheme, sensitive about the process of change and plants sociability.

Creating the atmosphere

A garden is a multi-dimensional space in which we experience not only the height and depth of the plants, but also an array of other, very important factors, that build the overall atmospheric feeling of being in the garden space.

A garden planting design is a process of creating a harmony in a space through selecting colours, textures and shapes of plants that will build the desired feelings and moods.

Selecting right colours and shapes of plants is a very creative, artistic process. The right colours of plants can build calm and serene atmosphere in a garden and boost our sense of well-being.

Each plant has a very distinctive form and structure. A good garden planting design looks in detail at forms of foliage and flower, as well as the textures of bark and shapes of stems, and bring all these qualities together to create the visual outcome that will enhance the perception of the garden. 

Planting design, research, planting plans

Planting design for a specific garden, is an art form, which combines plants’ qualities, their colours and forms, to create a unique space that evokes desired emotions, either bold, energising or calm, serene.

To achieve the longevity of a garden planting design it also crucial to understand how the plants will evolve over the time, how they will change and interact with each other.

At Hastate Design each planting design we create is bespoke for each of our clients and their garden habitat. 

Our strong horticultural background allows us to create well researched planting schemes.

In addition, we also make our design process unique by presenting our clients with beautiful sketches, handmade collages and visuals, which give sense of how the planting will evolve with time. Here we combine our unique knowledge of plants with artistic sensitivity.

Contact us if you are looking for a planting design service for your garden or would like some one to one coaching.


flowering plants for spring


updates from a project : Aberdour Golf Club planting